Fees must be received before class.
• PayPal Send as Family & Friends to avoid fees
• Credit Cards can be set up through PayPal
• Cash, Check or Money Order
• Zelle
Enrollment is complete when payment is received.
It is the sole responsibility of the Parent / Guardian to provide current contact emergency and non emergency information.
Students are expected to be on time for classes and stay for the entire lesson.
When lateness cannot be helped, please be no more than fifteen minutes late.
Only enrolled students may enter the studio...No siblings, friends, etc. Only enrolled Students have access to our restroom.
If parents would like to schedule a time to visit the studio and meet me, please let me know at least a week before class begins.
At the end of class, I will promptly bring students to the parking-pickup area.
Be sure your student knows who is picking them up; This person must be on your enrollment form
Please be here on time.
Late pickup will lead to termination of services.
There will not be make-up days when students are not able to attend, with the exception of private lessons which allows for 1 makeup class per session.
If a class is full, your child will be put on a waiting list, or your money will be refunded.
When there is not enough participants, you will receive a refund or another class will be offered.
No refunds or pro rated refunds will be given for missed classes.
Missed classes are not transferable to siblings or friends. Please let me know when your child is going to miss.
Please do not come with any symptoms of illness, including runny noses, cough or fevers. We reserve the right to have your student picked up if they arrive sick.
We have a dog. Please let me know about any allergies your child may have on the enrollment form.
Students may bring a drink that does not require refrigeration. No Snacks brought. Please have your child eat before class.
I will text all weather related closings.
We will not have a make up class for the first weather related closing.
If two or more days are missed due to a weather closing, I will text make- up times.
This set time(s) will be your only chance to make-up the class(es).
Tuition for the canceled classes are non refundable if your child is unable to attend the rescheduled make-up class.
Please dress in clothes that can get messy. Aprons will be available for students, but not mandatory.
Please call my cell if you have an emergency. Please leave a message if I do not answer immediately.
No Cameras or Laptops. (with the exception of digital art classes)
Phones will be put away during class.
Ongoing disruptive discipline problems will lead to termination of Art instruction (there will be no refund). Parent will be notified early, if there are any problems.
Please be sure your child is interested in art processes before enrolling them.
Judy Highfill's Policies are subject to change without notice.
How do I know if this is the class for my child? What if my child doesn't like it? It is important that your child enjoys and is ready for structured, instructional lessons, before enrolling. No refund or credit will be given. Some students prefer free art without any instruction.
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